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Did you know that men spend more on shoes online than women? If this sort of e-retail insight piques your interest, then the latest online spending infographic from Paymentsense will reveal to you a great deal more about men’s and women’s shopping habits.

Uncovering some very interesting statistics regarding the shopping habits of the sexes, this informative visual takes a look at their differing approaches to online retail.

While it may come as no surprise that women are slightly more discerning and take longer to complete a purchase, one unexpected fact the infographic highlighted was that women are overtaking men on purchases of electronic items. And a further intriguing insight was the discovery that women are more likely to buy tech-related products, mainly due to the fact the more women are downloading movies and music compared with men.

Ross McTaggart, content marketing executive at Paymentsense, said, “Studies have shown that men and women are quite different creatures when it comes to shopping on the high street, but we wanted to look at how people behave in the world of e-commerce.

“The infographic shows that spending habits and other buying traits are just as varied online, with some actions even subverting the common shopping stereotypes. This shows just how crucial it is for online businesses to target specific types of buyer with their messaging, marketing, pricing and promotions.”

Another key finding from the research was that women were more likely to use debit cards compared to men, while men were more comfortable with credit cards as opposed to women. As an online card processing provider, Paymentsense can help advise businesses on how to take card payments through their website quickly and securely.

Have a look at the infographic here.

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